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D7.7: RFID, Profiling, and AmI

RFID, the ‘Internet of Things’ and autonomic profiling  Title:
 RFID, RFID systems* and Identification


Generic Understanding of AmI-Systems from a Technical Perspective


From a technical perspective, we understand AmI-systems as systems that enable: 

  • Ubiquitous computing* support 

  • Simplified human computer interactions (HCI) including advanced interfaces compared to today’s keyboards and mice 

  • Automated adaptive environment with respect to the preferences of the users (for example concerning light, temperature, audio and visual media etc.) 

  • Automated execution of repeating processes such as orders of every day’s products 


To implement these requirements, AmI-systems need an infrastructure with the following abstracted technical components: 

  • Ubiquitous interfaces and sensors* 

  • Ubiquitous infrastructure for data transport 

  • Computing power and software facilitating decision making based on artificial intelligence* 

  • Data storage 

  • Interfaces to external data and services 

  • Components to execute decisions such as actuators etc. 


As a result we can describe in a generic way AmI-systems as follows: 



Figure : Generic scheme of an AmI-system


The linkage of AmI with profiling has already been analysed in the FIDIS-Deliverable D3.7 (Schreurs, Hildebrandt, Gasson, Warwick, 2005). Profiling is the central enabling technique that links data collection and processing to adaptation of the environment. It is obvious that the use of personalised profiles* for example in a smart home is a very well understood method to make decisions for adaptation. In the following sub-chapter we will look into the linkage between AmI, profiling and RFID. 



RFID, the ‘Internet of Things’ and autonomic profiling  fidis-wp7-del7.7.RFID_Profiling_AMI_02.sxw  RFID, RFID systems* and Identification
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