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D9.1: A Specification for FIDIS Journal

Schedule  Title:



Alpert, S.  A.  (2003).  "Protecting medical privacy: Challenges in the age of genetic information." Journal of Social Issues 59(2): 301-22.

Backhouse, J., Ed.  (2005).  Structured account of approaches on interoperability, FIDIS WP4, Del 4.2.

Foreman, P.  and D.  A.  Whetten (2002).  "Members’ identification with multiple-identity organizations." Organization Science 13(6): 618-35.

Hardey, M.  (2002).  "Life beyond the screen: embodiment and identity through the internet." Sociological Review 50(4): 570-85.

Harmanci R., “Now ear this”, San Francisco Chronicle, p. M-1, 14 Aug 2005.

Hirose, S.  and S.  Yoshida (2001).  “A user authentication scheme with identity and location privacy.”  Information Security and Privacy, Proceedings.  2119: 235-46.

Hoffman, D.  L., T.  P.  Novak, et al.  (1999).  "Information privacy in the marketspace: Implications for the commercial uses of anonymity on the Web." Information Society 15(2): 129-39.

Hogg, M.  A.  and D.  J.  Terry (2000).  "Social identity and self categorization processes in organizational contexts." Academy of Management Review 25: 121-40.

Hoogensen, G.  and S.  V.  Rottem (2004).  "Gender identity and the subject of security." Security Dialogue 35(2): 155-71.

Phillips, D.  J.  (1998).  "The social construction of a secure, anonymous electronic payment system: frame alignment and mobilization around Ecash." Journal of Information Technology 13(4): 273-83.

Raab, C.  and D.  Mason (2002).  "Privacy, Surveillance, Trust and Regulation." Information, Communication & Society 5(2): 237-41.

Robison, W.  L.  (1997).  "Privacy and personal identity." Ethics & Behavior 7(3): 195-205.

Tambyah, S.  K.  (1996).  “Life on the net: The reconstruction of self and community.”  Advances in Consumer Research.  23: 172-7.

Terry, W.  D.  (2000).  "Electronic identity theft." Communications of the ACM 43(5): 12-3.

Warwick, K. (2005) “People and Networks: Cyborg identity”, Chapter in “Digital Identity Management: Technological, Business and Social Implications”, D.  Birch, ed., Gower Publishing.


Schedule  fidis-wp9-del9.1.fidis_journal_03.sxw  
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