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D1.3: Manual of the Extended Wiki System (dr_wiki)

Special Characters  Title:
 Table Examples


Rendering of tables

Tables can be rendered using the following syntax (pipe-syntax): 



{ | params | }

Creates a new table. A table is defined by {| ”params” |} which is the same as the HTML:

<table ”params”>Insert non-formatted text here </table>

Please note: You must include the space between “{|” and params, else the first parameter is ignored.

{ | border = 1-n

Create borders. Furthermore, most of the standard HTML table parameters work for Wiki tables too (e.g. cellspacing, cellpadding, bgcolor, etc.) 

|+ Caption

Creates a caption for the table: <caption>Caption</caption>


Creates a header-cell (<th>). Functions the same way as <td>, except "!" is used instead of the opening "|". "!!" can be used instead of "||".


Creates a new row (<tr>).


Creates a cell (<td>).



Special Characters  fidis-wp1-del1.3.manual_extended_wiki_04.sxw  Table Examples
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