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Workshop on Mobility and Identity in Frankfurt
Mobile communication networks are becoming more and more important for our everyday life. Countless services, such as data services, are offered for our personal use, which aim to improve the quality of our lives by acknowledging our needs, requirements and preferences. The main focus of current mobile identification concepts is to provide simple, easy-to-handle identities in order to technically enable secure communication and to cover billing issues. For the more recent data services, advanced identity concepts are needed. Unlike the static identity already implemented in current mobile networks, dynamic aspects like the user’s position or the temporal context increasingly gain importance for new kinds of mobile applications.
The objective of Workpackage 11: “Mobility and Identity”, is the identification, the description, and the application of the concepts and elements in the fields of mobility and identity.
Objective of this Workshop
The first WP11 workshop had three objectives:
Kick-Off Meeting of Workpackage 11: Mobility and Identity
Presentations of the contributions by the Workpackage’s contributors.
To organise, coordinate and exchange the work conducted in WP11; especially the content of D11.2 “Mobility and Location Based Services” and D11.3 “Economic Aspects of mobility and identity”
To provide an appropriate environment for the different objectives, the workshop was planned for one and a half days. Day 1 was foreseen for the objectives 1 and 2. The second day was planned for elaborating objective 3 with members from the FIDIS NoE (the participants list can be found in the Annex of this document).
Date and Location
Date: 28th and 29th of September 2005
Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University, Frankfurt
Main Building (IG Hochhaus), Room No. 2.731
Grüneburgplatz 1, D-65090 Frankfurt, Germany
Agenda, 1
09h30-10h00 Introduction and Welcome:
10h00-10h40 Introduction and overview of WP11:
“Where do we come from and where do we want to go?”
Sven Wohlgemuth (ALU-FR) and Denis Royer (JWG)
10h40-11h00 Coffee break
11h00-11h30 Presentation of VUB by Els Soenens:
“Mobile Identity and Location Based Services. A social science point of view”
Presentation of the concepts of Identity, Mobility, Mobile technologies and locational data from a social science point of view
11h30-12h00 Presentation of ICPP by Martin Meints:
“Mobile Working – Selected Socio-Economic Aspects”
12h00-12h30 Presentation of ALU-FR by Sven Wohlgemuth:
“The delegation of rights in IDM systems”
Contribution to WP 11 as a technical evaluation of credential-based identity management systems, e.g. Liberty Alliance and IBM idemix, towards their suitability for privacy in business scenarios if a delegation of a credential is needed.
12h30-14h00 Lunch
14h00-14h30 Presentation of ICCS by Vasiliki Andronikou:
“Camera-based Human Tracking and GRIDS”
The first part of the presentation focuses on camera-based human tracking a way of either assisting the provision of location-based services in areas where signals are of low strength or poor quality or adding intelligence to the system through semantics. Scenarios and areas of application of the above mentioned technology were presented. The second part includes a brief introduction to the GRID as a way to provide the location-based services and assist mobility in a more efficient way.
14h30-15h00 Presentation of KU by Christer Anderson & Leonardo Martucci:
The first part (Christer’s part) discussed possible contributions to WP 11. The second part (Leonardo’s) discussed a project conducted within WP 3.3 where requirements for anonymous overlay networks for enhancing the privacy of mobile ad hoc network users were formulated. Besides this, also existing peer-to-peer based anonymous overlay networks were analyzed and it was shown that none of them are compliant with those requirements. Finally, the ongoing design of an anonymous overlay network intended for mobile ad hoc environments was outlined.
15h00-15h30 Coffee break
15h30-16h00 Presentation of KU Leuven (ICRI) by Eleni Kosta:
“Privacy issues in mobile communications”
16h00-16h15 Short Presentation of KUB by Denis Royer:
“Location Technologies and Surveillance - A Legal Perspective”
Short presentation about the use of location technologies and surveillance in the legal context
16h15-16h45 Presentation of JWG by Denis Royer:
“Economic aspects of mobile IDM”
Presentation gives an example for an evaluation approach for mobile IDM technologies
16h45-17h30 Discussion
Agenda, 2
09h30-10h00 WP11 and the upcoming 3rd Workplan
10h00-10h15 Short Presentation of Axsionics by Lorenz Müller
10h15-11h00Part 1: Coordination and discussion about the upcoming deliverables of Workpackage 11 “Mobility and Identity”
D11.1: Taxonomy of “Mobility and Identity”.
Delivery Date: Month 20 (30.11.2005)
Editor: Denis Royer (JWG)
Int. Reviewer: TBA
D11.2: Mobility and Location Based Services (LBS).
Delivery Date: Month 28 (31.07.2006)
Editor: Layla Nassary Zadeh (JWG)
Int. Reviewer: TBA
D11.3: Economic aspects of mobility and identity.
Delivery Date: Month 24 (31.03.2006)
Editor Denis Royer (JWG)
Int. Reviewer: TBA
11h00-11h30 Coffee break
11h30-12h30 Part 2: Coordination and discussion about the upcoming deliverables of Workpackage 11 “Mobility and Identity”
Division of Tasks
Deadlines / Timeline
Co-Editors for the deliverables
Structure of the deliverables / TOCs
12h30-13h00Discussion and conclusion of the workshop
The presentations slides of this event can be found on the FIDIS communication infrastructure (FCI) at
1st WP11 Workshop - Welcome and Introduction
Denis Royer (JWG)
Introduction, agenda, and housekeeping issues.
Introduction and Overview of WP1: Where do we come from and where do we want to go?
Sven Wohlgemuth (ALU-FR) and
Denis Royer (JWG)
This set of slides presents the FIDIS study on mobile identity management (D3.3) and its results, representing the initial starting point of Workpackage 11. The second part is dedicated to the upcoming deliverables and work of Workpackage 11.
Mobile identity and Location Based Services
Els Soenens (VUB)
In my presentation on ‘Mobile Identity and Location based services’, I present the concepts of Identity, Mobility, Mobile technologies and locational data from a social science point of view. Following P. Ricoeur (1990), I believe that the concept of Identity must be understood both as idem (sameness) and ipse identity (sense of self). I stress that technocratic paradigms do influence the understanding of the concept Mobile Identity. In presenting an alternative conceptualization, I want to explicate the implications of the use of mobile devices and the use of locational data on people’s identities in everyday life.
The emergence of Location Based Services Industry must be seen as the result of the interplay of various stakeholders. Location based services do have the ability to enhance your life. But at the same time, they have the ability to influence people’s behaviour, their wishes, their interactions and positions. LBS create implications on peoples self - awareness and their autonomy. As such, LBS affect people beyond data protection and privacy protection. There is a tendency of governmental and commercial services to track people through locational information gathering but do we want to live in a ‘geoslavery’ (Dudson and Fisher 2003).
Mobile Working – Selected Socio-Economic Aspects
Dr. Martin Meints (ICPP)
In this presentation, the changes of identity caused by mobile work in combination with mobile communication were highlighted. Organisational requirements that have to be met by enterprises introducing mobile work were analysed using the model of partial identities. Five of these requirements showed the potential to cause changes in identity:
Flexible working hours
IT security
Autonomy and flexibility in mobile work
Communication and contacts in various communicational contexts and
Privacy and data protection
When mobile work in combination with mobile communication and flexible working hours is introduced, the kind of changes and the invasiveness of changes in the employee’s identity can show a big variety. In general two effects can be observed:
Borders between communicational contexts can change; identifiers used in private communicational contexts can shift into work-related communicational contexts as well.
This change of borders can cause a change in control of the identifiers. In some cases the control of policies dictating how to use the identifiers (and thus how to communicate) may shift to the employer.
Delegation of Rights in Identity Management Systems
Sven Wohlgemuth (ALU-FR)
My contribution to WP11 will be a technical evaluation of credential-based identity management systems, e.g. Liberty Alliance and IBM idemix, towards their suitability for privacy in business scenarios if a delegation of a credential is needed.
The starting point for the evaluation criteria is the FIDIS’ study on mobile identity management (D 3.3). These criteria relating to privacy are to be extended in order to be used for the evaluation of credential based identity management systems in given scenarios. As a result, I expect conclusions for the suitability of these identity management systems in these scenarios. The systems will be classified and additional requirements for mobile identity management systems will be derived from the identified shortcomings.
Human Tracking and GRIDS
Vicky Andronikou (ICCS)
This presentation consisted of two parts. The first part focused on camera-based human tracking, a way of either assisting the provision of location-based services in areas where signals are of low strength or poor quality or adding intelligence to the system through semantics. Scenarios and areas of application of the aforementioned technology were presented. The second part included a brief introduction to the GRID as a way to provide the location-based services and assist mobility in a more efficient way.
Requirements for Privacy-Enhancements in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks / Techniques Behind Anonymity
Christer Andersson (KU),
Leonardo A. Martucci (KU), and
Simone Fischer-Hübner (KU)
The presentation contained two parts. The first part (Christer’s part) discussed possible contributions to WP 11. The second part (Leonardo’s) discussed a project conducted within WP 3.3 were we formulated requirements for anonymous overlay networks for enhancing the privacy of mobile ad hoc network users. Besides this, we also analysed existing peer-to-peer based anonymous overlay networks and showed that none of them are compliant with those requirements. Finally, we outlined the ongoing design of an anonymous overlay network intended for mobile ad hoc environments.
Presentation 1
Presentation 2:
Mobility & Identity - Privacy issues in mobile communications
Eleni Kosta (KU Leuven – ICRI)
The current legal framework is mainly based on two European directives, the data protection directive (1995/46/EC) and the ePrivacy directive (2002/58/EC); ICRI shall apply the existing framework to mobile communications. For D11.2 we will apply the current legislation on LBS in use cases and we will also try to spot the issues that the current legislation does not cover. Many questions arise with regard to ‘consent’ (who shall give it and who shall be the recipient, how and when shall it be given and how can it be withdrawn), to data retention, to the protection of minors etc. Our main goal is, apart from providing an overview of the existing legal framework related to the mobile communications, to contribute practically to the resolving of the scenarios that will be chosen.
Location Technologies and Surveillance - A Legal Perspective
Bert-Jaap Koops, Colette Cuijpers (KUB)
Short presentation about the use of location technologies and surveillance in the legal context.
Economic aspects of mobile IDM
Denis Royer (JWG)
Identity Management (IDM) is often used as a buzzword that can have many different meanings, ranging from the management of user data to the collection and analysis of data (profiling). However, the systems used to perform such actions are costly and it is difficult to anticipate their value for business organisations, etc. This presentation gives an example for an evaluation approach for mobile IDM technologies.
WP11: 3rd Workplan
Denis Royer (JWG)
This set of slides was introduced to plan the deliverables for the 3rd Workplan and to integrate the contributors of WP11 into the further planning process.
Deliverables of WP11 - Coordination and discussion about the upcoming deliverables of WP 11
Denis Royer (JWG)
This set of slides was introduced for the coordination of the work in WP11.
The workshop on “Mobility and Identity” was planned to coordinate the work of Workpackage 11. The following dates and roles were discussed:
D11.1: Taxonomy of “Mobility and Identity”.
Delivery Date: Month 20 (30.11.2005)
Editor: Denis Royer (JWG)
Int. Reviewer: Mark Gasson (Reading)
D11.2: Mobility and Location Based Services (LBS).
Delivery Date: Month 28 (31.07.2006)
Editor: Layla Nassary Zadeh (JWG)
Int. Reviewer: Ammar Alkassar (Sirrix), Vashek Matyas (MU)
D11.3: Economic aspects of mobility and identity.
Delivery Date: Month 24 (31.03.2006)
Editor Denis Royer (JWG)
Int. Reviewer: TBA
Annex 1: List of Participants
28th of September 2005:
Name | First Name | Institution |
Alkassar | Ammar | Sirrix |
Anderson | Christer | KU |
Andronikou | Vasiliki | ICCS |
Fischer-Hübner | Simone | KU |
Gasson | Mark | Reading |
Kosta | Eleni | KU Leuven |
Maier | Robert | KU Leuven |
Martucci | Leonardo | KU |
Matyas | Vashek | MU |
Meints | Martin | ICPP |
Nabeth | Thierry | INSEAD |
Nassary Zadeh | Layla | JWG |
Rannenberg | Kai | JWG |
Royer | Denis | JWG |
Soenens | Els | VUB |
Vyskoc | Jozef | VaF |
Wetzker | Robert | TU Berlin |
Wohlgemuth | Sven | Freiburg |
29th of September 2005:
Name | First Name | Institution |
Alkassar | Ammar | Sirrix |
Anderson | Christer | KU |
Andronikou | Vasiliki | ICCS |
Fischer-Hübner | Simone | KU |
Kosta | Eleni | KU Leuven |
Maier | Robert | KU Leuven |
Martucci | Leonardo | KU |
Matyas | Vashek | MU |
Meints | Martin | ICPP |
Müller | Lorenz | Axsionics |
Nassary Zadeh | Layla | JWG |
Royer | Denis | JWG |
Soenens | Els | VUB |
Wetzker | Robert | TU Berlin |
Wohlgemuth | Sven | Freiburg |
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