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D4.2: Set of requirements for interoperability of Identity Management Systems

 Executive Summary






Title:    “D4.2: Set of requirements for interoperability of Identity Management Systems”

Author:    WP4

Editors:    James Backhouse (LSE)
Michael Vanfleteren (KU Leuven)

Reviewers:    Els Soenens (VUB, Belgium)
Paolo Spagnoletti (Luiss University, Italy)

Identifier:    D4.2

Type:    [Deliverable]

Version:    1.1

Date:    10.11.20

Status:    [Final]

Class:    [Public]




This report highlights the spread of opinion amongst a group of European experts in application areas of identity management on the issue of interoperability of such systems.  It builds from an earlier report that presented a literature review and an account of research in interoperability.  It uses the three-part conceptual framework of technical, formal and informal dimensions through which to frame the questions posed and interpret the answers given.  The 23 interviewees from 5 different European countries, while differing in detail, display a remarkable consensus on much of the issues.  Application areas from which the experts are drawn cover egovernment, ehealth and ecommerce, and while, given their specific nature, there may be many points on which such areas diverge, the likelihood of interoperability is deemed to turn on a small number of key questions, mostly non-technical.  Importance is given to building trust in the citizen and end-user through good communication, usability, compliance with data protection and privacy principles.



Copyright Notice: 


This document may not be copied, reproduced, or modified in whole or in part for any purpose without written permission from the FIDIS Consortium. In addition to such written permission to copy, reproduce, or modify this document in whole or part, an acknowledgement of the authors of the document and all applicable portions of the copyright notice must be clearly referenced. 


The circulation of this document is restricted to the staff of the FIDIS partner organisations and the European Commission. All information contained in this document is strictly confidential and may not be divulged to third parties without the express permission of the partners. 


All rights reserved. 



PLEASE NOTE: This document may change without notice – Updated versions of this document can be found at the FIDIS NoE website at


FIDIS partners from various disciplines have contributed as authors to this document. The following list names the main contributors for the chapters of this document: 





James Backhouse (UK, LSE) 

Background, methods and panel of interviewees 

John Baptista (UK, LSE) 

Themes addressed in the interviews 

John Baptista (UK, LSE) 


Michael Vanfleteren (KUL, Belgium) 


John Baptista (UK, LSE) 


John Baptista (UK, LSE) 

Towards a set of requirements

James Backhouse (UK, LSE) 


James Backhouse (UK, LSE) 

Report 1: Marc Sel, ecommerce

Els Kindt (KUL, Belgium) 

Report 2: Oliver Libon, egovernment

Michael Vanfleteren (KUL, Belgium) 

Report 3: Paul Timmers, egovernment

Michael Vanfleteren (KUL, Belgium) 

Report 4: Frank Robben, ehealth

Xavier Huysmans (KUL, Belgium) 

Report 5: Bernd Burkert, ecommerce

Martin Meints (ICPP, Germany) 

Report 6: Bettina Neke, ehealth/egovernment

Martin Meints (ICPP,Germany) 

Report 7: Hannes Federrath, ecommerce

Andreas Westfeld and Sandra Steinbrecher (TUD, Germany) 

Report 8: Gerhard Weck, ecommerce

Andreas Westfeld and Sandra Steinbrecher, (TUD, Germany) 

Report 9: Bettina Müller, ehealth

Andreas Westfeld and Sandra Steinbrecher, (TUD, Germany) 

Report 10: Rüdiger Dierstein, ehealth

Andreas Westfeld and Sandra Steinbrecher (TUD, Germany) 

Report 19: Herbert Leitold, ecommerce

Stephan Freh (LSE, Austria) 

Report 20: Arno Hollosi and Bernd Martin, egovernment

Stephan Freh (LSE, Austria) 

Report 21: Heinz Otter, ehealth

Stephan Freh (LSE, Austria) 



Summary of key contributors:


  • LSE: James Backhouse, John Baptista, Stephan Freh and Christopher Lovold 

  • K.U.Leuven R&D: Els Kindt, Michaël Vanfleteren and Xavier Huysmans 

  • ICPP: Martin Meints and Martin Rost 

  • TUD: Andreas Westfeld and Sandra Steinbrecher




Table of contents 



  fidis-wp4-del4_2.set_of_requirements_03.sxw  Executive Summary
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