You are here: Resources > FIDIS Deliverables > Interoperability > D4.4: Survey on Citizen's trust in ID systems and authorities > 
The Survey  Title:
 5.2 Demographic Questions


Survey Statements


Q1: I believe that the authorities that will manage my ID data are professional and competent. 


Q2: I believe that citizens will be able to keep a good level of control over their personal ID data 


Q3: I believe that there will be an appropriate legal environment to regulate how my ID data will be exchanged. 


Q4: I believe that my interests will be represented in deciding how ID data will be exchanged 


Q5: I believe that the exchange of ID data will be monitored by competent authorities 


Q6: I believe that the systems used by the authorities to issue and manage ID cards will not be technically secure 


Q7: I feel that I will be able to assess the benefits and risks when allowing my personal data to be shared by ID authorities 


Q8: I feel that I will find the electronic cards difficult to use. 


Q9: I understand the need to exchange ID data across government departments 


Q10: I understand the need to exchange ID data between government and business 


Q11: I understand the need to exchange ID data across different EU countries 


Q12: I believe that ID authorities will not use personal information for any purpose unless they have been authorized by the individuals who provided the information 


Q13: I believe that when people give personal information to ID authorities for a specific purpose, the ID authorities may use the information for another purpose 


Q14: I believe that ID authorities will never share personal information with other authorities unless they have been authorized by the individuals who provided the information 


Q15: I believe that ID authorities will devote sufficient time and effort towards the prevention of unauthorized access to personal information 


Q16: Companies will take enough steps to make sure that unauthorized people cannot access personal information in their computers 


Q17: Companies will take enough steps to make sure that the personal information in their files is accurate 


Q18: I will have little control over my data but I will rely on the authorities that manage it 


Q19: I will feel comfortable in relying upon ID authorities to look after my personal data in the ID card system 


Q20: I will confidently accept the guarantees offered by the ID authorities for protecting my data. 


Q21: I will always be able to rely on ID authorities for help if problems arise with my ID data 


Q22: I believe that ID authorities will always act in my best interest 


Q23: I believe that ID authorities will be truthful and honest when dealing with my data 


Q24: ID authorities will be competent in dealing with the data they hold on me. 


Q25: I will feel comfortable in sharing personal data with the ID authorities. 


Q26: I will reveal some of my personal data in exchange for convenience, security and a speedy response 


Q27: I will feel comfortable for my ID data to be shared across government institutions 


Q28: I will feel comfortable for my ID data to be shared between government and businesses 


Q29: I will feel comfortable for my ID data to be shared between different countries in Europe 


Q30: I will be reluctant to apply for something like a job, credit, or insurance because I do not want to provide certain kinds of information about myself 


Q31: I will refuse to give information to ID authorities because I think it is too personal. 


Q32: I will take action to have my name removed from any list for which I haven’t authorised access to my personal data 




The Survey  D4.4_fidis_deliverable_1.0_final_02.sxw  5.2 Demographic Questions
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