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Executive Summary  Title:




The objective of the survey reported in this deliverable was to examine citizen’s trust in the institutions responsible for Identity Management Systems to exchange data in an appropriate manner across government departments, between governments and commerce and between different European countries.  


The survey forms part of a research effort to deepen understanding of the social and cultural questions associated with interoperable ID systems. Whilst many of the EU projects in the interoperability domain tend to privilege the engineering and legal perspectives for harmonising and interoperating identity management systems, the place of the citizen’s feelings and perceptions has not been sufficiently considered. This study represents a step in this direction. 


The conceptual basis upon which the survey was developed draws from the concept of institution-based trust and in the findings from the interviews of experts in a previous report (FIDIS Deliverable 4.2). The constructs for assessing trust in the survey relate to user’s perceptions of the institutional environment surrounding the issuance and management of an EU-wide eID card scheme. 


A web-based survey was translated into 8 European languages and was made available online for a period of one month in June 2006. Respondents of the survey were asked to rate their agreement with a set of 32 statements using a scale from 1 (=strongly agree) to 7 (=strongly disagree). Overall there were 2,918 respondents to the survey, however, the number of respondents used in the analysis was reduced to N=1,906 after omitting invalid responses. Respondents came from 23 out of the 25 EU countries. 


This report is organised as follows. The next section (3) provides a brief background to the survey. We outline ID schemes in the different EU countries, highlighting the current diversification. We conclude by re-stating the objective of the survey, arising as it does from the EU desire to facilitate a high level of interconnection and use of new identity management technologies. Section 4 focuses on the conceptual foundation of the survey. The notion of institutional trust and the constituents that served to guide the construction of the survey are introduced. The next section (5) moves on to describing the survey itself, providing information about the structure and questions, and how the survey was delivered and promoted. Then, in section 6, the results of the survey are presented. Demographics as well as overall results pertaining to each of the survey’s statements are provided. This is followed by an analysis, in section 7 which further interrogates the results and draws particular attention to prevailing differences across countries and regions. Finally, section 8 concludes the report with an assessment of some limitations of the survey conducted, and a review of the implications and lessons for the European Community.  



Executive Summary  D4.4_fidis_deliverable_1.0_final_02.sxw  Background
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