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D2.3: Models

#9 (PKCS #9)  D2.3 Models


IMS/LIP (Learner Information Packaging)


E-learning represents a domain that has been relatively far in trying to create standards for addressing the interoperability of internet based facilitated e-learning systems (typically Learning Management Systems). Examples of standards that have been designed include: (1) SCORM (Sharable Courseware Object Reference Model) an e-learning specification that is used to represent learning content in a standardised way, and to define how this content interacts with learning management systems; and (2) IMS LIP (Learner Information Package), a standard for representing person’s information in e-Learning systems.

IMS Learner Information Package is based on a data model that describes those characteristics of a learner needed for the general purposes of:  

  1. Recording and managing learning-related history, goals, and accomplishments;  

  2. Engaging a learner in a learning experience;  

  3. Discovering learning opportunities for learners. 

The specification is aimed at supporting the exchange of learner information among learning management systems, human resource systems, student Information Systems, enterprise e-learning systems, knowledge management systems, resume repositories, and other systems used in the learning process. 

LIP is structured around the following eleven core data structures: 

  1. Accessibility – Data regarding the accessibility of learner’s information as defined through:

− Language: the definition of a learner’s language proficiencies. 

− Preference: the definition of a learner’s cognitive, physical and technological preferences. 

  1. Activity – The activity the learner is engaging in, comprising:

− Learning activity reference: an external reference mechanism to the learning materials. 

− Definition: the definition of the materials studied. 

− Product: the materials developed by the learners themselves. 

− Testimonial: statements attesting to the capabilities of the learner. 

− Evaluation: the results of the evaluations undertaken. 

  1. Affiliation – The learner’s professional affiliations and associated roles.

  2. Competency – The competencies of the learner.

  3. Goal – The learner’s goals and sub-goals.

  4. Identification – The learner identification data. They comprise:

− Formatted Name: the learner’s name, formatted. 

− Name: the learner’s name. 

− Address: the learner’s addresses. 

− Contact info: electronic-based contact information about the learner. 

− Demographics: demographics information about the learner. 

− Agent: the representatives permitted to act on behalf of the learner. 

  1. Interest – Hobbies and recreational interests of the learner.

  2. Qcl – A description of the qualifications, certifications and various licenses of a learner.

  3. Relationship – the set of relationships that are to be defined between the learner and their identification, accessibility, qualifications, competencies, goals, activities, interests, transcripts, security keys and affiliations.

  4. Security key – the security-related information for the given learner.

  5. Transcript – the transcripts that summarise the performance of the learner.



Skills, knowledge, and abilities acquired in the cognitive, affective, and/or psychomotor domains. 

This learner information consists of the descriptions of the skills the learner has acquired. These skills may be associated with some formal or informal training or work history (described in the ‘activity’) and formal awards (described in the ‘qcl’).  The corresponding level of competency may also be defined;



#9 (PKCS #9)  fidis-wp2-del2.3.models_04.sxw  QCL
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