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D2.3: Models

Social characteristics (sociology)  D2.3 Models


Psychological characteristics (psychology)


The “psychological characteristics” deals with the behavioural aspects of the person. It includes both the relatively permanent behavioural characteristics of the person such as personality or cognitive style, to the most instant behavioural state of the person such as the current psychological state such as mood or attention. 


Examples of attributes


  1. Psychological state 

    1. Mood  

    2. Attention 

  2. Personality (5 factor model) 

    1. Extroversion (Sociable / Reserved)  

    2. Conscientiousness (Self-disciplined / Impulsive)  

    3. Emotional Stability (Self-Confident / Insecure)  

    4. Agreeableness (Sympathetic / Cold)  

    5. Openness to Experience (Curious / Unimaginative) 

  3. Motivation (Steven Reiss 16 basic factors model) 

    1. Avoiding Pain & Anxiety  

    2. Citizenship  

    3. Curiosity  

    4. Family 

    5. … 

  4. Cognitive style  

    1. Learning style 

      1. Transforming Learners, Performing Learners, Conforming Learners, Resistant Learners 

    2. Innovation style 

      1. Innovators, Early Adopters, Early Majority, Late Majority, Laggards 

    3. Social style 

      1. Connector, Maven, Salesman 



Application domains

Behavioural characteristics are a very sensitive domain, intimately related to the person. Several domains however are concerned in one way or another with these behavioural characteristics such as HR (for instance in the hiring process with personality tests or the career management of the employees), e-learning (several researches are trying to take into account the cognitive style of the learner), justice (criminal profiling) or e-commerce (categories of customers). 

Relevant standards

No open standard is currently available on this subject. 



Social characteristics (sociology)  fidis-wp2-del2.3.models_04.sxw  Summary
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