- Identity Use Cases & Scenarios.
- FIDIS Deliverables.
- Identity of Identity.
- D2.1: Inventory of Topics and Clusters.
- D2.2: Set of use cases and scenarios.
- D2.3: Models.
- D2.6: Identity in a Networked World – Use Cases and Scenarios.
- D2.13: Virtual Persons and Identities.
- Interoperability.
- Profiling.
- Forensic Implications.
- HighTechID.
- Privacy and legal-social content.
- Mobility and Identity.
- Other.
- Identity of Identity.
- IDIS Journal.
- FIDIS Interactive.
- Press & Events.
- In-House Journal.
- Booklets
- Identity in a Networked World.
- Identity R/Evolution.
D2.13: Virtual Persons and Identities
Anrig, Bernhard, Browne, Will, & Gasson, Mark. 2007. The role of algorithms in profiling. In: Hildebrandt, Mireille, & Gutwirth, Serge (eds), Profiling the European Citizen. Springer.
Benoist, Emmanuel. 2007. Collecting data for the profiling of web-users. In: Hildebrandt, Mireille, & Gutwirth, Serge (eds), Profiling the European Citizen. Springer.
Bourcier, D. (2001). "De l’intelligence artificielle à la personne virtuelle: émergence d’une entité juridique?" Droit et Société 49: 847-871
Bowder, Caspar, Bramhall, Pete, Cameron, Kim, Casassa-Mont, Marco, Colville, David, Goodman, David, Hilton, Jeremy, Marthhoefer, Michael, & White, Michael. 2004. Toward Understanding Identity. Washington, D.C.: eema report, National Academies Press.
Cameron, Kim. 2005. The Laws of Identity. (may 1st 2005).
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Hildebrandt, M. and S. Gutwirth, Eds. (2008). Profiling the European Citizen. Cross-disciplinary Perspectives. Dordrecht, Springer
Hildebrandt, M. and B.-J. Koops (2007). A Vision of Ambient Law. Brussels, FIDIS
Hogenhout, Wide. 2006. Report on the workshop “Distributed security and dynamic trust” (DISTTRUST). (june 21st 2006), Global Computing (GC) follow-up, Proactive Initiative in the 6th Framework Programme of the European Union.
ISO 15408-2. 2003. Text for ISO/IEC 1th WD 15408-2, Information technology - Security techniques – Evaluation criteria for IT security – Part 2: Security functional requirements. (sept. 1st 2006).
ISO/IEC 4th Working Draft 24760 - Information technology - Security techniques - A framework for identity management
ITU-T Y.2091 – Terms and definitions for Next Generation Networks – (Jan. 29th, 2008)
ITU-T Y.IdMsec – NGN Identity Management Security –- document in draft
Jaquet-Chiffelle, David-Olivier. 2007. Reply to chapter “Defining profiling: a new type of knowledge?”. In: Hildebrandt, Mireille, & Gutwirth, Serge (eds), Profiling the European Citizen. Springer.
Jaquet-Chiffelle, David-Olivier, Benoist, Emmanuel, & Anrig, Bernhard (eds). 2006. D2.6 Identity in a Networked World, Deliverable of FIDIS’ Workpackage 2. FIDIS (sept. 10th 2006).
Jonczy, Jacek, & Haenni, Rolf. 2006. Implementing Credential Networks. Pages 788–799 of: iTrust’06, 4th International Conference on Trust Management, Pisa, Italy.
Jøsang, Audun. 1999. An Algebra for Assessing Trust in Certification Chains. In: Kochmar, J. (ed), Proc. of the Network and Distributed Systems Security (NDSS’99) Symposium. The Internet Society.
Kantorowicz, E. H. (1957). The King’s Two Bodies. A Study in Mediaeval Political Theology. Princeton, NJ, Princeton University Press
Kent, Stephen T., & Millett, Lynette I. (eds). 2004. Who Goes There? Washington, D.C.: National Academies Press.
Kohlas, Jürg, Anrig, Bernhard, Haenni, Rolf, & Monney, Paul-André. 1998. Model-Based Diagnostics and Probabilistic Assumption-Based Reasoning. Artificial Intelligence, 104, 71– 106.
Kohlas, Reto, Haenni, Rolf, & Jonczy, Jacek. 2006a. Formalizing Evidence for Authentication, Trust Management and Identification. Draft version available at st 2006).
Kohlas, Reto, Jonczy, Jacek, & Haenni, Rolf. 2006b. Towards Precise Semantics for Authenticity and Trust. In: PST’06, 4th Annual Conference on Privacy, Security and Trust, Toronto, Canada.
Modinis –Common Terminological Framework for Interoperable Electronic Identity Management– – (Jan. 29th, 2008)
Nabeth, Thierry (ed). 2005. D2.2 Set of use cases and scenarios, Second Deliverable of FIDIS’ Workpackage 2. FIDIS (feb. 3rd 2005).
Nabeth, Thierry, & Hildebrandt, Mireille (eds). 2005. D2.1 Inventory of topics and clusters, First Deliverable of FIDIS’ Workpackage 2. FIDIS (feb. 3rd 2005).
Pfitzman, Andreas, & Hansen, Marit. 2007. Anonymity, Unlinkability, Unobservability, Pseudonymity, and Identity Management - A Consolidated Proposal for Terminology, TU Dresden,, v0.30 (January 29th 2008).
Roy, Bernard. 1991. The Outranking Approach and the Foundations of ELECTRE Methods. Theory and Decision, 31(1), 49–73.
Schneider, Bruce. 2005. Two-Factor Authentication: Too Little, Too Late. Communications of the ACM, 48(4), 136.
Shafer, Glenn. 1976. The Mathematical Theory of Evidence. Princeton University Press.
Smets, Philippe. 1998. The Transferable Belief Model for Quantified Belief Representation. Pages 267–301 of: Gabbay, Dove M., & Smets, Philippe (eds), Handbook of Defeasible Reasoning and Uncertainty Management Systems, vol. 1. Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Smets, Philippe, & Kennes, Robert. 1990. Constructing the Pignistic Probability Function in a Context of Uncertainty. Uncertainty in Artif. Intell., 5, 29–39.
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