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D3.8: Study on protocols with respect to identity and identification – an insight on network protocols and privacy-aware communication

Host-to-network layer protocols  Title:
 Protocols for privacy-aware communication



This chapter has analysed a variety of protocols on the application layer, the transport layer, the Internet layer and host-to-network layer with respect to privacy-relevant properties. In particular (unique) identifiers, personal data being disclosed and linkability characteristics providing identifiability and profiling have been elaborated regarding each of the protocols. Moreover, it has been discussed whether it is possible during the usage of these protocols to avoid or circumvent protocol-inherent information disclosure. 

The analysis results in the observation that many protocols bear the risk of privacy threats which often are hard to counter. Typically identifying information usable for profiling is disclosed when making use of the protocols, yet this is not generally known by the mass of users. The scope of this chapter is limited to separate analysis per protocol, but it is clear that a cross-protocol or cross-layer analysis would yield even more privacy risks. 

Host-to-network layer protocols  fidis-wp3-del3.8_Study_on_protocols_with_respect_to_identity_and_identification.sxw  Protocols for privacy-aware communication
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