Identity Use Cases & Scenarios.
FIDIS Deliverables.
Identity of Identity.
Forensic Implications.
D3.1: Overview on IMS.
D3.2: A study on PKI and biometrics.
D3.3: Study on Mobile Identity Management.
D3.5: Workshop on ID-Documents.
D3.6: Study on ID Documents.
D3.7: A Structured Collection on RFID Literature.
D3.8: Study on protocols with respect to identity and identification – an insight on network protocols and privacy-aware communication.
D3.9: Study on the Impact of Trusted Computing on Identity and Identity Management.
D3.10: Biometrics in identity management.
D3.11: Report on the Maintenance of the IMS Database.
D3.15: Report on the Maintenance of the ISM Database.
D3.17: Identity Management Systems – recent developments.
D12.1: Integrated Workshop on Emerging AmI Technologies.
D12.2: Study on Emerging AmI Technologies.
D12.3: A Holistic Privacy Framework for RFID Applications.
D12.4: Integrated Workshop on Emerging AmI.
D12.5: Use cases and scenarios of emerging technologies.
D12.6: A Study on ICT Implants.
D12.7: Identity-related Crime in Europe – Big Problem or Big Hype?.
D12.10: Normality Mining: Results from a Tracking Study.
Privacy and legal-social content.
Mobility and Identity.
IDIS Journal.
FIDIS Interactive.
Press & Events.
In-House Journal.
Identity in a Networked World.
Identity R/Evolution.
D3.7 A Structured Collection on Information and Literature on Technological and Usability Aspects of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)
Toll collection and contactless payment
Active RFID tags in the USA are widely used for payment. Well documented examples are the Intelligent Highway Vehicle Systems (IHVS, Garfinkel, Rosenberg 2006: 360) for toll tracking and the SpeedPass system for payment run by ExxonMobile. According to Forester Research in U.S. the number of issued RFID payment tags had already reached 22 Mio households in 2003.
In the SpeedPass system an encrypted identifier actively transmitted by the RFID tag is linked to a credit card. Via this credit card financial transactions take place. The encryption used in the SpeedPass system is the same as for some types of vehicle immobilisers and shows the same weaknesses.
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