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D3.6: Study on ID Documents

Cost Projection Elements (of Environmental Complexity)  Title:
 Summary, Conclusions and Outlook



From the aforementioned elements and the analysis that has been carried out, it becomes evident that there is a variety of factors that influence both the cost-projections for an eID scheme, but also, that there are other several elements at play that make the examination of a scheme’s economic impact considerably difficult. The complexity of any proposed eID scheme is a major presupposition behind such a statement and it is argued that the more complex the proposed scheme, the more difficult it becomes to carry out an effective, reliable and as close to the reality of the actual implementation, cost-projection. There are also highly contextual aspects within each implementation context (at a national level) which can only be taken into account after careful and considerate research in each context. In this respect, interoperability can be seen as creating problems rather than dissolving them. The logic behind such a statement is simple; interoperability is necessary in order for the pan-European effectiveness of a scheme, however interoperability means also that schemes will have to conform to particular structures, whereas the same set of rules, structures or processes cannot be diffused with the same success across different cultural contexts. On the basis then of increased interoperability in eID schemes, cultural differences become more visible and can potentially inhibit rather than support mobility (coupled with privacy concerns and use of sensitive information). Further reflection and identification on these aspects can also lead towards particular studies of interoperability that will account for such cross-context implementation.


A number of elements critical in cost-projection are:  


  • Period of implementation 

  • Number of participants  

  • Enrolment phase  

  • Type of Identity Document chosen for the implementation 

  • Resistance to change  

  • Cultural Aspects 


The aforementioned elements however refer only to the implementation phase. From that, we can distinguish two important phases before and after the implementation of Identity documents. Considerable research needs to be undertaken prior to the implementation itself something that might include surveys, pilot tests, and/or other research methods. This is even more critical when Identity Documents themselves are used for access to a variety of services apart from identification purposes alone.  

Post-implementation there are also critical aspects that influence the actual cost of the scheme (ongoing costs). For example: 


  • Security aspects 

  • Privacy aspects 

  • Renewal of Identity documents and Register updates 

  • Handling of complaints and false negatives 

  • Internal Audits 

  • Costs of management of the register 

  • Infrastructural costs and Integration 


Governments need to consult extensively with industry bodies and organisations that might assist in both the implementation and the cost-projection of any scheme, but also take into consideration the more subtle aspects that are relevant for their people within the national context, provide training where needed and ensure the viability of the scheme without jeopardising privacy or security.  



Cost Projection Elements (of Environmental Complexity)  fidis-wp3-del3.6.study_on_id_documents_03.sxw  Summary, Conclusions and Outlook
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