Identity Use Cases & Scenarios.
FIDIS Deliverables.
Identity of Identity.
Forensic Implications.
D3.1: Overview on IMS.
D3.2: A study on PKI and biometrics.
D3.3: Study on Mobile Identity Management.
D3.5: Workshop on ID-Documents.
D3.6: Study on ID Documents.
D3.7: A Structured Collection on RFID Literature.
D3.8: Study on protocols with respect to identity and identification – an insight on network protocols and privacy-aware communication.
D3.9: Study on the Impact of Trusted Computing on Identity and Identity Management.
D3.10: Biometrics in identity management.
D3.11: Report on the Maintenance of the IMS Database.
D3.15: Report on the Maintenance of the ISM Database.
D3.17: Identity Management Systems – recent developments.
D12.1: Integrated Workshop on Emerging AmI Technologies.
D12.2: Study on Emerging AmI Technologies.
D12.3: A Holistic Privacy Framework for RFID Applications.
D12.4: Integrated Workshop on Emerging AmI.
D12.5: Use cases and scenarios of emerging technologies.
D12.6: A Study on ICT Implants.
D12.7: Identity-related Crime in Europe – Big Problem or Big Hype?.
D12.10: Normality Mining: Results from a Tracking Study.
Privacy and legal-social content.
Mobility and Identity.
IDIS Journal.
FIDIS Interactive.
Press & Events.
In-House Journal.
Identity in a Networked World.
Identity R/Evolution.
D3.15: Report on the Maintenance of the ISM Database
Future Plans for the Maintenance and Use
For more than three years now the content of the IMS database is developing. The changes made in the database seem to follow certain trends. Trends that can be observed include:
Further Concentration of products and vendors as well in the sector of type 1 IMS as type 3 IMS.
Increasing importance of social networks and related search engines
Increasing number of hybrid types of IMS; in this light a revision of the typology of IMS suggested in the FIDIS Deliverable D3.1 might be useful
These trends will be analysed in the FIDIS Deliverable D3.17 planned in the context of the 5th work plan. One part of the work planned there will be the discussion of a new typology that takes hybrid types of IMS according to the typology developed in the FIDIS Deliverable D3.1 into consideration. The work of this deliverable also will cover the maintenance work needed for the IMS database.
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