You are here: Resources > FIDIS Deliverables > HighTechID > D12.4: Integrated Workshop on Emerging AmI > 
Conclusions  Untitled
 Annex 2: Contributors


Annex 1: Event Programme

Location: ICRI-Babbelbox, Sint-Michielsstraat 6, 3000 Leuven (4th Floor) – Date: 11-04-08 


09.30-10.00     Welcome coffee


10.00-10.45     Introduction presentation & discussion:

Current status & Editor’s comments of deliverable 12.5:

“Use cases and scenarios of emerging technologies”


10.45-11.00     Introduction presentation:

Current status of deliverable 12.6:

“Study on ICT Implants”


11.00-11.20 Presentation on the technical chapter

Mark Gasson (University of Reading)


11.20-12.00     Discussion on the technical chapter


12.00-12.20     Presentation on the legal chapter

Eleni Kosta (ICRI- K.U. Leuven)


12.20-13.00     Discussion on the legal chapter


13.00-14.00     Lunch


14.00-14.40     Presentations the socio-ethical contribution

Bernhard Anrig (VIP)

Mireille Hildebrandt (VUB)


14.40-15.30     Discussion on the socio-ethical chapter


15.30-16.00     Coffee


16.00-16.30     Revision of schedules and other business



Conclusions  fidis-wp12-del12.4.Integrated_Workshop_on_Emerging_AmI_Technologies.sxw  Annex 2: Contributors
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