You are here: Resources > FIDIS Deliverables > HighTechID > D12.3: A Holistic Privacy Framework for RFID Applications > 
Related work  Title:
 RFID basics


Document Structure

The remainder of this document is structured into the following chapters: 

Chapter 3 (RFID basics) will provide a brief introduction into RFID technology. 

Chapter 4 (Scenarios) will present a set of seven application scenarios which should help to illustrate diverse privacy problems and the need for privacy-friendly solutions. 

Chapter 5 (Problem Space) will then discuss legal, ethical, socio-economic and technical security-related aspects of privacy problems that arise with RFID applications, which are illustrated with the scenarios of chapter 3. 

Chapter 6 (An Holistic Approach to Privacy-Enhancements) will discuss approaches for more privacy-friendly RFID applications comprising legal, social ethical and technical means.  

Finally, in chapter 7 (Conclusions) we will summarise the main results and conclusions of this document. 




Related work  fidis-wp12-d12.3_Holistic_Privacy_Framework_for_RFID_Applications.sxw  RFID basics
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