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Executive Summary


The FIDIS WP12 workshop on Emerging AmI Technologies was held at the University of Reading, UK on the 26-27 October 2006. This workshop was designed to be the kick-off event for two subsequent deliverables: D12.2 “Study on Emerging AmI Technologies” & D12.3 “Holistic Privacy Framework for RFID Applications”, as well as a forum for discussion of D3.8 from Work Package 3.  

The core aims of the workshop were achieved through a range of participant presentations and subsequent discussion and by co-ordination of the contributions of the partners by the deliverable editors. As is so often the case, the inter-disciplinary nature of the event helped foster extensive and interesting discussion beyond the scope of the deliverables themselves, for which more time would have been preferable. Additionally, suggestions for further deliverables under the auspices of WP12, which extend the current deliverables, were proposed and noted for further deliberation post-event.  

This document is a brief record of the workshop. 



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