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D5.1: A survey on legislation on ID theft in the EU and…








Title:    “D 5.1: A survey on legislation on ID theft in the EU and a number of other countries

Author:    WP5

Editors:    Bert-Jaap Koops

Reviewers:    Mireille Hildebrandt (VUB),

Sarah Thatcher (LSE) 

Identifier:    D 5.1

Type:    [Deliverable]

Version:    1.0

Date:    9 May 2005

Status:    [draft]

Class:    [Public]





This document gives the first results of a survey on legislation on ID theft in EU member states and the US. Unlike the US, EU countries appear to have no specific legislation on ID theft or ID fraud. As a consequence, it is proposed to extend the scope of the survey in the second Workplan period to include other criminal provisions that may cover various forms of ID theft or ID fraud. 



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The circulation of this document is restricted to the staff of the FIDIS partner organisations and the European Commission. All information contained in this document is strictly confidential and may not be divulged to third parties without the express permission of the partners. 


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This document may change without notice. 

Table of Contents 



  fidis-wp5-del5.1.law_survey_03.sxw  Introduction
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