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Bentham on identification and control  Identification versus anonymity in e-government
 Identity knowledge in the governmental provision of services


Select bibliography

BENTHAM, J., ‘Anarchistic Fallacies’, in The Works of Jeremy Bentham, BOWRING, J. (ed.), Edingburg, William Tait, 1838-1843, Vol. II, 501.

BENTHAM, J. (1802), Theory of Legislation (based on manuscripts written around 1788, collected by E. DUMONT and first published in 1802), Oxford, Oxford University Press, Vol. I, 1914, 310p. and II, 1914, 362p.

BLUMSTEIN, A. (1988), ‘Science and Technology in Support of Criminal Justice’, in LEBLANC, M., TREMBLAY, P. & BLUMSTEIN, A. (eds.), New Technologies and Penal Justice, Series Les cahiers de recherche criminologiques, Cahier No. 9, Montreal, Centre International de Criminologie Comparée-Universite de Montréal, 2-14.

BONNEMAISON, G. (1987), La sécurité en libertés, Paris, Syros, 155p.

BRODEUR, J.-P. (1983), ‘High Policing and Low Policing: Remarks about the Policing of Political Activities’, Social Problems, Vol. 30, No. 5.

GUNN, J. (1968), ‘Jeremy Bentham and the Public Interest’ reprinted in LIVELY, J. & REEVE, A. (eds.), Modern Political Theory from Hobbes to Marx. Key Debates, London, Routledge, 1989, 199-219.

HEYMANN-DOAT, A. (1994), Libertés publiques et droits de l’homme, Paris, L.G.D.J., (third edition), 246p.

HEBENTON, B. & THOMAS, B. (1993), Criminal Records. State, citizen and the politics of protection, Aldershot, Avebury, 194p.

HOOD, C. (1983) The Tools of Government, London: Macmillan, 178p.

WALDRON, J. (ed.) (1987), Nonsense upon stilts. Bentham, Burke and Marx on the rights of man, London, Methuen, 120p.

ROSEN, F. (1987), ‘Bentham’ in MILLER, D. (ed.), The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Political Thought, Oxford, Basil Blackwell, 37-40.

FREEDEN, M. (1991), Rights, Milton Keynes, Open University Press, 134p.

VANDERLINDEN, J. (1992), ‘Aux origines du Titre II de la Constitution Belge de 1831’, in Présence du droit public et des droits de l’homme. Mélanges offerts à J. Vélu, Brussels, Bruylant, Tôme 2, 1992, 1193-1208.


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