You are here: Resources > FIDIS Deliverables > Forensic Implications > D5.4: Anonymity in electronic government: a case-study analysis of governments? identity knowledge > 
Bibliography  Identification versus anonymity in e-government
 Electronic signatures and pseudonymous certificates



Table 1: Identification processes, Applying for a tree felling permit 

            Traditional                Electronic

Front office 

Asked for        Name                    Social security number


            Private phone number

            Mobile/business phone number

            Place of signature

            Date of signature


Matched    with Personal                        Social security number

Records Database 

Gathered                                Name


Asked for                            Private phone number

                                Mobile/business phone number

                                Email address

Back office 

Stored            Name                    Name

            Address                    Address

            Private phone number            Private phone number

            Mobile/business phone number        Mobile/business phone number

            Place of signature                Email address

            Date of signature



Land registry officeAddress


Communication        Name                    Name

            Address                    Address

Legally justifiedName

            Address                    Address

ContactPrivate phone number

            Mobile/business phone number        Mobile/business phone number

                                Email address

Personal information in italics is occasionally matched or used. 



Table 2: Identification processes, Border passage at Schiphol Airport (part 1) 

        Traditional                 Electronic

         KMAR                KMAR            Privium

Before border passage 

Asked for                                Name

                                    Date of birth

                                    Place of birth


                                    Type of travel document

                                    Travel document number

                                    Expiry date travel document


                                    Email address

                                    Iris scan

Matched with                    Passport photo

Individual                    Year of birth



Card                                    Name

                                    Date of birth

                                    Place of birth

                                    Template of the iris

Contact                                    Name



Table 3: Identification processes, Border passage at Schiphol Airport (part 2) 

        Traditional                 Electronic

         KMAR                KMAR            Privium

Border passage to Schengen country 

Stored                                    Name

                                    Date of birth

                                    Place of birth

                                    Time and date of passage

Shared with                                 Name

KMAR                                     Date of birth

                                    Place of birth

                                    Time and date of passage


Border passage to non-Schengen country 

Asked for    Travel document which includes:    Privium card which includes:

        Name                Name

        Nationality            Date of birth

        Date of birth            Place of birth

        Place of birth            Template of the iris



        Personal number

        Passport photo

Matched        Passport photo            Template of the iris

with        Height

individual    Year of birth

with         Name                Name

SIS and RBS    Date of birth            Date of birth

        Place of birth            Place of birth

Stored        (Name)                            Name

        (Date of birth)                        Date of birth

        (Place of birth)                        Place of birth

        (Date of passage)                        Time of passage

                                    Date of passage


for        Passport photo            Template of the iris

identification    Height

        Year of birth            

for         Name                Name

tracing        Date of birth            Date of birth

        Place of birth            Place of birth


with AIVD    (Name)                (Name)

and MIVD    (Date of birth)            (Date of birth)

        (Place of birth)            (Place of birth)

with                                     Name

KMAR                                    Date of birth

                                    Place of birth

                                    Date of passage

                                    Time of passage

For the personal information between brackets, it is unclear whether this information is stored. 


Bibliography  fidis-wp5.del5.4-anonymity-egov_01.sxw  Electronic signatures and pseudonymous certificates
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